
Geographic Area and Special Focus
All new grant requests will be limited to nonprofit organizations located and operating in Monmouth and Mercer counties in New Jersey. The Foundation’s special focus is on programs that address the needs of economically disadvantaged youth and their families. This includes needs such as: health, family planning, education, counseling, childcare, substance abuse, and delinquency. Other areas of interest for the Foundation include affordable housing, conservation, environment, and the arts.

Amount and Frequency of Grants
Grants average $10,000, and the maximum grant is $15,000. In unique circumstances, we would consider a more significant grant for a program having a major impact in our areas of interests. Organizations are limited to one grant per calendar year. We require a one-year hiatus after five years of funding.

Deadlines for postmarking grant applications are March 15 and September 15 (no express mail or delivery please). Grants are awarded within two months of these deadlines.